WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.

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Vape Manufacturer: Number of Vape Users in Russia Triples in Four Years

Vape Manufacturer Research - Number of Vape Users in Russia Triples in Four Years

Vape Manufacturer Research - Number of Vape Users in Russia Triples in Four Years

Recently, the top vape manufacturer from China, VPFIT is researching the vape market developing trend in Russia.

Recently, the vape manufacturer, VPFIT have noticed a survey conducted by the job search service SuperJob. According to the survey, the proportion of nicotine dependent people who smoke vapes has almost tripled in the past four years. Representatives of 500 companies and 2,500 economically active Russians participates in the study.


21% of respondents only use vape products, while 16% smoke both vapes and regular cigarettes.

The top vape manufacturer, VPFIT compares the data in the past 4 years.

In 2019, the respondents only use vape products in Russia were only 8%. And the amount of people use both vapes and regular cigarettes in Russia were only 12% respectively.

In addition, the percentage of women vapers (33%) is higher than men vapers (14%).

Moreover, among these vape users, those under 34 years old prefers vape devices more. Russians over 45 prefer smoke traditional tobacco products – cigarettes, cigars and pipes.

Vape Manufacturer VPFIT vapes family | Best China Vapes

Vape Manufacturer VPFIT vapes family | Best China Vapes (Click to view VPFIT’s vaping products)

Rising vape prices could lead to the proliferation of illegal tobacco.

What’s more, the vape manufacturer VPFIT also noticed a survey by Romil(Ромир) Company. The survey shows that Russians are prepared to buy illegal tobacco if the price of vapes and tobacco products increases. According to the survey, 61% of respondents prepares to switch to illegal products if vaping devices and cigarette prices increase by 10%.

However, data from China Customs shows the unit price of China vapes export to Russia are declining this year.

Actually, according to the data released by China customs, the China vapes exports unit price to Russia in August 2023 is 45.97 USD/kg. It increased by 0.83% month-on-month and decreased by 24.89% year-on-year.

Moreover, the unit price of Chinese vape imported into Russia has been declining this year. The price has dropped from $54.12/kg in January at the beginning of the year to $45.97/kg in August.

Vape manufacturers should pay attention to the regulations about vape devices in Russia.

From June 1 this year, a number of vape sales restrictions came into effect in Russia. In addition, from March 1, 2024, Russia will completely ban the sale of vapes containing aromatic additives. The vape manufacturers, and the vape retail places should pay attention to these regulations and follow them.