WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.
According to a consumer survey, disposable vape pens are extremely popular in Panama among those consumers of non-combustion alternatives.
In the survey, it shows that the use of vape pen products is about 5% of the adult people or 200 thousand users. In addition, the sales of vapes from retailers and resellers are constantly increasing.
This data, is obviously higher than the 2019 National Health Surey and the basic survey in 2020 by World Health Organization in Panama.
The consumer survey shows that disposable vape devices are extremely popular among consumers of non-combustion alternatives in Panama. Nearly 38% of the consumers of these alternatives use disposable vapes. Moreover, respondents who have family members or close friends who use vape pens report that more than 41% of those acquaintances use disposable vapes.
In addition, another 39% consumers of vape systems indicate that they use a device with capsules or cartridges. Further analysis of the survey revealed some confusion among vape users as to the type of vape devices they use. Therefore, disposable vapes are in fact the most common type of device.
Additionally, in-depth interviews with industry experts further confirm that vapes are the most widespread category of non-combustion alternatives in Panama. On the contrary, heated tobacco only has a very low prevalence among the users. The main reason is, the interviewees are not very familiar with these products.
A vape store in Panama, showing various kinds of vape pen devices
Industry experts believe that disposable vapes are the most common type of vape system on the market.
The in-depth interviews and store audits also show us some facts. That is, disposable device brands are the the most prevalent brands. Some of these brands were also mentioned during the consumer survey. Also, they were often mentioned by e-consumers who claimed to use vape pens with pods and cartridges.
In general, the most common type of device during store audits observation are disposable vapes, with a capacity of 2,500 puffs, pricing about $15. While the more advanced devices, such as pod vapes and open-system vape devices, are less common and more expensive. Their price are ranging from $20 to $75.
What’s more, after identify and review during the investigation, we also find other facts. The vast majority of the disposable vapes from the most common vape brand in Panama are counterfeit devices.
The codes/SKUs of these products cannot match the vape brand’s official website.
Actually, the main sales channels for these products are online stores and sellers on social networks. They have gained popularity among vape consumers after the approval of Law 315.
China, the United States, Europe (mainly Spain or Switzerland) and Mexico are the main origin countries of these disposable vape pen products. And, the entry ports are the United States, Colombia and Costa Rica.
In addition, international travelers arriving in Panama import small amounts of non-combustion alternative products that are declared for personal use. And the Colon Free Zone plays a key role in the smuggling of illicit cigarettes into Panama. Unlike the rest of Panama, Colon Free Zone does not prohibit non-combustion alternative products. Therefore, a regulatory inconsistency that creates an ideal scenario for the market of vape pens.