WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.

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Global Vape Development 2023 – Viewing From Logistics Layout

Global Vape Development 2023 Viewing From Logistics Layout

Global Vape Development 2023 Viewing From Logistics Layout

The mainstream markets of vape products in the world are the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, etc.

According to a comprehensive research report released by the MRFR, it is estimated that by 2030, the global smokeless tobacco market will reach 28.98 billion US dollars. At present, the mainstream markets of vape products in the world are the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Russia, etc.

However, the competition in the vape pens market is intense day by day.

The leading distributors in the United States, says in an interview that the choice of products mainly depends on “price”. Moreover, the internal competition in the mainstream market is becoming increasingly fierce. And the cost of market development is also rising. Therefore, the market strategy of these vape brands gradually shows a trend of expanding to emerging regions.

Global Vape Development 2023 - Viewing From Logistics Layout

Global Vape Development 2023 – Viewing From Logistics Layout

Logistics and freight forwarding companies are the key channels for vape pen products from vape manufacturers to final consumers.

Their regional layout, route procurement and other trends may become the “developer” of the development potential of emerging markets.

Recently, at the Dubai WORLD VAPE SHOW, interviews were conducted with a number of vape logistics companies and freight forwarding companies. This is a good channel to understand the insights and experience of logistics providers on the electronic cigarette market. In addition, it is also a way to obtain the latest developments and information in the industry.


In 2023, the United States and Europe will still be important vape products markets. And various logistics manufacturers will operate in depth with differentiation.

Vape pen products initially rely on the mature transportation mode of other products in the mainstream market. Therefore, many logistics companies said in interviews that the destination of their first batch of vape pens freight forwarders was the United States. And then officially start the vape products logistics business with the American market as the starting point and core.

When asking about their market development strategies in 2023, some leading logistics companies from China said that they would still focus on the US and European markets in 2023. Relying on their original business advantages, they will keep continuous deepening.

Mid-East map

Mid-East map

The mainstream vape pen market increase in difficult now, the Middle East market becomes a key target.

With the stricter regulation of vape pen products in the world, the frequency and intensity of customs enforcement in mainstream markets have increased. Thus the logistics and freight companies are also facing forward greater challenges. Many logistics companies said in interviews that the current difficulty is the inspection by the customs of various countries.

The United States, the world’s largest vape pen products market, checks whether the products are taxed. Some logistics providers says that the uncertainty bring about by the inspection and the resulting storage costs have become the biggest challenges when passing the US Customs.

In addition, in the UK market, large puffs vape pens and contraband are mainly inspected. Therefore, they need to be confirm with the vape suppliers in advance before transportation so as to avoid the risk.

Many freight forwarders and logistics companies are expending Mid-east and South Africa market.

When asking about the vape logistics business plans in 2023, some freight forwarders said that they are expanding the South African market. What’s more, relying on the vape exhibitions in Dubai, the Middle East is the most frequently mentioned term in the emerging market development plan. Many logistics companies all express their optimism about the vape pen products market development of the Middle East market. Moreover, Some logistics manufacturers also say that they have already opened routes to Dubai, Saudi Arabia and other regions.

Some vape products logistics companies believe that although their business scale in the Middle East is average, it is relatively easy to develop the Middle East market.

In particular, as a distribution center in the Middle East, Dubai can radiate to the entire Middle East. Thus Dubai is providing a broad space for the development of vaping products logistics business. Therefore, they have notice the considerable demand in the Middle East market and think Mid-East market is an attractive growth opportunity.

Similarly, some freight forwarding companies believe that Dubai is the best choice to enter the Middle East vape pen market. However, at the same time, Dubai is a blue ocean market. The logistics and freight forwarders need to consider the openness of surrounding areas so that it can radiate to the entire Middle East. If the surrounding areas are not open, then the Dubai vape market still needs further investigation and research.