WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.

Russia Vape E-liquid Tobacco Consumption Tax Rate Increase
Russia Duma proposes align regulation of vape with cigarette
March 24, 2023
vape china vape factory vape manufacturer
Smoore’s Dark Moment , Profit Halved Market Value Plummeted
March 27, 2023

Case value 8.3million USD | Vape Factory


Minqing, Fuzhou, China cracked a major case of illegal production and sale of vape products, successfully completing the entire chain of attacks from the production end to the sales end.

It is understood that the scope of the case involves provinces and cities such as Hubei and Guangdong. The on-site seizure of 260 sets of production machines for vapes and e-liquid, over 50000 semi-finished electronic cigarettes, and over 3300 finished products, with a total value of over 58 million USD for the goods and over 8.3 million USD for the case.

On February 22, 2023, the Minqing Economic Investigation Brigade received a clue from the County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau that a shop in Jialongban New Village, Meicheng Town, under its jurisdiction, had illegally sold illegal electronic cigarettes. The boss, Chen, sold fruit flavored vape products that were not included in the tobacco list without the retail license of the Tobacco Bureau.

Upon receiving the report, the economic investigation team immediately organized the police to go to the store for preliminary investigation and found that the store sold a variety of fruit flavored vape pens that were explicitly prohibited by the state from being sold, mostly to young people. The police observed nearby for a while and noticed several waves of young people entering the store to buy. With the continuous development of investigation work, the police found that the flow of funds involved in the case may exceed one million yuan. Given the huge value of the case, the Economic Investigation Brigade of Minqing County Public Security Bureau immediately accepted the preliminary investigation and filed a case for investigation on February 23, 2023.

Next news: Russia Duma proposes align regulation of vape with cigarette