WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
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250 million disposable vapes to be thrown away before UK vape ban
250 million disposable vapes to be thrown away before UK vape ban
March 27, 2024
Australia vape ban make China vape exports drop by 93 percent
Australia vape ban make China vape exports drop by 93%
March 29, 2024

ACS warns disposable vape ban will boost £645m illegal trade

ACS warns disposable vape ban will boost £645m illegal trade

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) warns that if disposable vapes are banned in the UK next year, the illegal trade will see a £645 million ($813 million) increase.

The ban will exacerbate the significant illicit trade that already exists.

The association says the ban will exacerbate the significant illicit trade that already exists. So the UK government must focus on effective enforcement to prevent “rogue trading”.

The disposable vape ban will be implemented on April 1, 2025.

Earlier this month, the UK government issued a ban on disposable vapes. And it also released an impact assessment report.

“This report seriously underestimates the losses that retailers will suffer.” Besides, ACS says that the review also lacked clarity on the definition of disposable vapes. The government acknowledged it requires further discussion. There are 12 months until the ban is scheduled to come into effect. “It’s worrying that the government doesn’t fully know what it wants to ban.”

ACS CEO James Lowman expressed his concerns about the ban.

“The way that the Government has gone about justifying its case for a ban on disposables is completely inadequate. The impact assessment gets basic figures wrong. And it attempts to sweep the already massive illicit market under the rug. What the Government is trying to avoid is a meaningful debate about enforcement. And proper funding for Trading Standards to be able to stop rogue traders. Because it knows that Trading Standards teams are already stretched to their limits and do not have the resources to keep up.”

“Banning something does not mean it ceases to exist. If the government were really committed to stopping children getting their hands on disposable vapes, then they would focus on cracking down on the illicit trade. And enforcing the laws that already exist to prevent children from accessing these products.”

Vape Manufacturer comments on the ban and illicit trade.

We asked Mr Franky Zhou, GM of VPFIT to comment about this from the vape manufacturer’s point. Franky says,

“The ban on disposable vapes in the UK aims to address environmental and health concerns. But the warning about increased illicit trade is concerning. Such an increase could lead to unregulated and potentially unsafe products entering the market. This may bring risks to consumers.”

To mitigate this, the government, vape manufacturers, and regulatory bodies need to work together. The government should implement effective enforcement measures. The vape manufacturing companies needs stringent quality control standards. And, the regulatory bodies need robust measures to curb the illicit trade. Balancing the ban’s objectives with effective regulation is vital to safeguard consumer safety while minimizing the potential for illicit activities.

Next news: 250 million disposable vapes to be thrown away before UK vape ban