WARNING: This product contains nicotine, nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Only for audlts, anyone below the age of 21 is prohibited from buying e-cigarette.

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Italy Vape Sales Restrictions Relaxes

Italy Vape Sales Restriction Relaxes

Italy Vape Sales Restriction Relaxes

According to Italian media reports, the tax bill proposed by the Italian Finance Commission clearly stipulates the ban on sales outside Italy. But restrictions on online sales of vape pen products have been less stringent than expected. An amendment allows Italian consumers to buy vaping products in other EU countries.

However, consumers need to abide by the following rules:

  • Products need to be delivered to tobacco shops or vape shops;
  • Designate a pick-up point during the purchase process;
  • Pick up in person to verify the buyer’s age.


The vape pens need to be delivered to tobacco shops or vape shops;

The amendment itself includes a condition. The delivery of the vape products can only be made in a tobacco shop or in an vape shop.

This measure in the amendment aims at promoting greater control for the contrast of the illicit market. In addition, it is also for the protection of the health of consumers and minors.

Italy Vape Sales Restrictions Relaxes - vape store

Italy Vape Sales Restrictions Relaxes – vape store

Designate a pick-up point during the vape pens purchase process;

In addition to tobacco shops and vape shops, products ordered from other EU countries (produced in the country or legally imported by EU companies) can also be picked up at pharmacies and health product stores authorized by customs and monopoly agencies.

The buyer must specify a pick-up point when ordering the vape pen products. In addition, the order can only be picked up by the buyer himself.

Therefore, the system will remembers the one in use for collecting the goods from the Amazon Lockers. The identity of the vape pens buyer will be verified upon delivery. This is done to verify that they are of legal age.


Pick up in person to verify the buyer’s age.

It is necessary to verify that the buyer of the vape pen products is an adult.

At the moment, it is unclear whether the venues making the deliveries will receive a sum as a fee for the service.

The bill is still several months away from coming into force. Moreover, it may require a directive from the Italian Customs and Monopoly Agency.